
​Here are things that we can address together either in pregnancy or postpartum:
Assess mobility and diastasis recti
Manage symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence
Address aches and pains in the body
Manage symptoms of incontinence during exercise.
Increase core and body strength
Educate about the pelvic floor and core
Provide effective exercises that meet your current needs and goals
Create a realistic exercise plan that honours this season of life
Support your return to exercise after pregnancy or infant loss
Let's take a whole human approach to pre/post natal fitness
Instead of only looking at the end goal, let’s look at the whole awesome being that you are! Who are you? How are you physically, mentally and emotionally in this season of life? What does exercise mean for you and how can it support you right now? Are there any physical discomforts you want to address?