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prenatal and postnatal consultation for return to exercise after baby or during pregnancy

Consultation & Assessment

$115 +tx

During our time together we'll discuss some of your questions and concerns and specific goals or needs in regards to exercise. I will share some knowledge with you on the core & pelvic floor so that you can feel confidant in your body's ability to move throughout pregnancy and/or postpartum. We can address some pelvic floor symptoms such as pelvic pain, diastasis recti, incontinence and prolapse. ​


If you feel comfortable doing so, we'll follow this with a movement assessment (includes diastasis recti assessment).


​* Just a little reminder that I don't coach weight loss but will always listen to your concerns, have discussions regarding body image, and how to move forward in this version of your body.

Stronger Now is a monthly fitness coaching program for pregnancy, postpartum and beyond, that honours this version of yourself, as you are now!


  • Online workout program delivered every 4-weeks via App and desktop

  • Workouts are 30-minutes or less

  • Education portal regarding core & pelvic floor, symptom management and more

  • Fitness coaching via the private membership group and app

  • Monthly live community workout class via Zoom

  • On-demand workout library that you can return to anytime you want

  • A space free from diet and anti-fatness culture or weight loss discussions so that ALL members can feel a sense of belonging.

Stronger Now, monthly online fitness coaching program for pregnant and postpartum people, parents and bereaved parents
Online personal training for pregnant and postpartum people, mothers, exercise after baby, diastasis recti, abdominal separation, prolapse, return to running, incontinence, fitness

Virtual Personal Training

price varies on package and needs

Our 60-minute sessions together will always include some type of movement. I program the workouts to honour your whole self on that day... which means that some days we push and challenge, other days we slow it down and address symptoms, energy, discomforts, etc. ​


The plan always includes checking-in, boundaries, consent, updated goals and joy. The workouts are designed to help you progress forward, build confidence in your body's ability to move in all of the ways, and have you feel strong and capable. ​


Pregnancy and postpartum don't define how you get to move your body, but remind us that progression, education and strength can support on this magical ride! ​ We will be using whatever equipment you have at home!


​ * Consultation is required before booking our 1-1 session together!

Exercise after baby, prenatal exercise, postnatal exercise, return to run after baby, postnatal fitness, prenatal fitness, exercise after miscarriage, exercise after stillbirth

We work together virtually, with the equipment you have at home, in the space that feels best for you, and in your most comfortable attire!

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